Access Keys:

West Winds Primary School and Nursery Unit

School Trip to Clandeboye Forest School.

12th May 2023

Story time
Story time
Forest animal jigsaws.
Forest animal jigsaws.
The badger jigsaw.
The badger jigsaw.
Climbing tree trunks.
Climbing tree trunks.
Art work.
Art work.
Leaf art.
Leaf art.
The mud station.
The mud station.
Birds in the trees.
Birds in the trees.
Bird watching.
Bird watching.
Climbing trees.
Climbing trees.
Swinging in the trees.
Swinging in the trees.
Climbing high.
Climbing high.
Outdoor painting.
Outdoor painting.
Campfire cooking.
Campfire cooking.
S'more time.
S'more time.