Welcome to P1!
In Term 1 of P1, our focus is on settling the children into their new routines, developing fine motor skills with pencil and cutting activities, making friends and developing listening skills. We read the story ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas to help the children explore their feelings.
After two weeks finishing at 12.15, the children stay until 2pm. Children are encouraged to bring healthy snacks for break time.
In P1, the children learn through practical activities (we love dice games and Bingo! games) and play; P1 share a playroom and outside play area with P2. We play everyday, whatever the weather!
We enjoy story time; sharing and exploring stories together during Literacy and home time. In P1, we use a phonics programme called ‘Read, Write, Inc’ to learn letter sounds and teach the children to read. The children visit and take home a library book each week from our fantastic library bus.
Homework begins in November; the children are set one Literacy and one Numeracy homework each week alongside their reading and letter and word cards. Homework goes home on a Monday and is returned on a Thursday.
P1 topics for the first term include ‘Apples’, ‘Autumn’, ‘Toys’ and ‘Christmas’.
Scroll down the page to see P1 in action!
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