Our school Nurture group is called Rainbows. Please see the Nurture section on the website for more information about Nurture at West Winds.
Rainbow home learning is sent home each Monday and is returned on a Friday in your homework bag. There are a variety of activities included from week to week (one for each night) – these can include numeracy, literacy, phonics, pencil control, cutting skills and more practical games and activities to work on together.
As well as this, reading books are sent home to share together until the children begin more formal reading.
In Rainbows, we base our topics around a book which covers a social or emotional aspect of learning. Our literacy and numeracy activities are linked to that book too.
In our play, we have activities that are linked to our book. We paint, use dough, use puppets, have sand and water trays and play in the home corner. We love dressing up too!
We are work hard on our phonics (following the Jolly Phonics scheme) and try our best to write our letters confidently using Handwriting Without Tears.
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