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West Winds Primary School and Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

19th Dec 2019
P3 had a great afternoon making edible snowmen with the help of Ms Barclay who is...
19th Dec 2019
Today the boys and girls got a big surprise, we were busy working away when the...
19th Dec 2019
Today P2 & P6 visited our friends in Blair House. Together we performed a Nativity...
18th Dec 2019
Primary 3 pupils brought their Cold Lands Projects into school to show everyone....
18th Dec 2019
Recently everyone in P1 to P7 took part in our Christmas Celebration. This year...
18th Dec 2019
P3 spent Wednesday morning making spiral Christmas tree decorations and writing...
11th Dec 2019
On Tuesday 3rd December, P3 went on a trip to see Movilla Abbey Church’s “Follow...
11th Dec 2019
P4 / P5 / P6 / P7 had the opportunity to experience gymnastics this term. Coaches...
10th Dec 2019
In P6 we were learning about the symbolism of a Christingle. We made our own and...